Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Lady in the Water

Am I the only one who is thinking that the comparison between M. Night Shyamalan and Steven Speilberg is a bit pre-mature? I thought his last movie, The Village, was just OK and his latest (Lady in the Water), which I saw last night is just about on the same level. There is nothing special about either movie. I am not saying either totally sucked....I am just saying that neither is as good as the 6th Sense and Signs. I think he needs to break away from trying to fool everyone with his movies and just make a straight forward good movie. He is trying to hard to keep everyone guessing and in doing that he is losing his ability to make a believable script. This one had quite a few plot holes in it as well. Don't get me wrong it's not awful.....it's just not great.


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