Thursday, September 21, 2006

Farrel is king.

OK this is a rash and bold statement so prepare yourself. After long consideration (about 2 minutes of thought) and a re-watching of some old Saturday Night Live episodes I have come to the following conclusion (which tom hanks also stated in jest or maybe not in jest in the 25th anniversary show):

Pound for Pound Will Farrell is the funniest member of Saturday Night Live ever. I know what you are thinking/screaming there were lots of great people on that show

Bill Murray, Chevy Chase, John Belushi, Dan Ackroyd, Phil Hartman, Adam Sandler, Chris Farley, Eddie Murphy, Dana Carvey etc etc.

But pound for pound I think Farrell is the funniest of all. In fact in my opinion only John Belushi, Farley and Eddie Murphy even give him a run for his money. There is something about watching Will Farrell (at least for me) where like Bill Murray he doesn't even have to say anything and you start laughing. Call me crazy but that's just what I think.


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