Monday, February 19, 2007

recent movies

Saw the following movies recently

Norbit - stupidly funny....once again reminding how funny eddie murphy can be. Is it shakespeare no, is it a great comedy that I would watch again over and but it was a pretty good movie to see once....kind of like the nutty professor etc. People are giving Murphy grief because after his great dramatic performance in dream girls he should be doing more challenging work....hey that's his call and as long as the movies don't suck (I Spy, Pluto Nash etc) then I think they should leave him alone.

Music and Lyrics By - something about Hugh Grant in a funny romantic comedy always seems good to me....again is it ground it was very entertaining...the opening credits show him in a cheesy 80's video with long hair...think Wham...that bad....and it was truly funny to watch...all in tongue in cheek. The rest of the movie is color by numbers...pretty funny in parts...somewhat heartful in others....was it his best...nah probably not...but it was definately worth seeing.

Inherit the Wind - very rarely do I see older movies that still hold up extremely well and seem ahead of there time...this is one of those movies. Done in Black and White in the early 60's this is a true story set in the early 1920's where a teacher was trying to present Darwin's theory of evolution in a highly religious area in the south. Great dialogue and great cast with Spencer Tracy, Gene Kelly, one of the Darin's from bewitched and a bunch of others. Well worth a rental.

Marie Antoinette - great visuals and a pretty solid material to make a movie on but quite honestly the Sophia Copola blew it on this movie. It was interesting to a point and the performance by kirstin duntz was ok but the end sucked and it was a bunch of stylist crap that really didn't go anywhere....but was set to a retro soundtrack....kind of like romeo and juliet....but not as if that was any good either

Flags Of Our Fathers - ok movie....different from most war was more concerned with the propaganda and the story off the battle field then it was with the actual battle.

Half Nelson - different movie...about a teacher who is a crack addict....compelling story about drug addiction and then just a dumb ending...

Conversations with Other Women - different movie...filmed very strangely....and entertaining in much as a movie can be where there is only two actors talking in every scene...ala until sunrise etc....but not as good.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

recent movies

Movies I have watched recently...

Hollywoodland - Kind of a dry movie but Ben Affleck is very very good...which is good to see again after a barrage of horrible horrible movies (Gigli). I also watched Changing Lanes recently and again was reminded that holy cow Affleck can act. In hollywoodland (which by the way is the dumbest title ever for a movie and whoever came up with it should be fired) you really do feel badly for the George Reeves and maybe start to think there is something to this Superman curse. Definately worth a rental though.

Purple Rose of Cairo - AHHHH why do I try to watch Woody Allen movies....I keep telling myself to stop it and yet I see this and see that it stars Jeff Daniels and figure...why not. I will say this, this is the most watcheable of all of the Woody Allen movies I have attempted to watch....but alas I still don't get it.

The Grapes Of Wraith - I had very mixed feelings about this before I watched it. The book by Steinbeck has the distinction of being one of a very few books that I couldn't fact it is the only book (due to it being forced upon me by the dreaded Mrs Runyon in Advanced English in 12th grade) that I have ever bought Cliffnotes for. That said the movie was much much better....a great movie for it's time....hank fonda is really good and it really depicts the struggles of the Okies during the Great Depression.