Friday, March 09, 2007

stupid hollywood

Does anyone else out there think hollywood is purposely trying to suck it up and aggravate us movie goers. I ask because I just read they are planning on making another Spiderman without Tobey Maguire and Sam Raimi. This is a couple of months after it is reported that they will try to make the Hobbit and a LOTR prequel without Peter Jackson. So let me ask the obvious question....HOW FREAKIN STUPID ARE YOU???? In their minds they must figure if we make a few bucks but totally destroy a franchise and alienate it's huge fan base it's worth it. Seriously do either of those moves stand a chance of being remotely as good as the franchises now? No they have 0% chance of success. Professors used to tell me in college that there are no absolute guarantees in life...nope this is absolute....both franchises will be destroyed....worse then star wars. This has got to be something new for our day and age. Can you imagine putting out Godfather 2 without copola directing and with say rob schneider instead of al pacino. No. It would be unthinkable and the reason being is back then they had integrity. Now all we apparently care about is $$$$$$$$$$$. It's a sad sad really is.


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