Wednesday, February 14, 2007

recent movies

Movies I have watched recently...

Hollywoodland - Kind of a dry movie but Ben Affleck is very very good...which is good to see again after a barrage of horrible horrible movies (Gigli). I also watched Changing Lanes recently and again was reminded that holy cow Affleck can act. In hollywoodland (which by the way is the dumbest title ever for a movie and whoever came up with it should be fired) you really do feel badly for the George Reeves and maybe start to think there is something to this Superman curse. Definately worth a rental though.

Purple Rose of Cairo - AHHHH why do I try to watch Woody Allen movies....I keep telling myself to stop it and yet I see this and see that it stars Jeff Daniels and figure...why not. I will say this, this is the most watcheable of all of the Woody Allen movies I have attempted to watch....but alas I still don't get it.

The Grapes Of Wraith - I had very mixed feelings about this before I watched it. The book by Steinbeck has the distinction of being one of a very few books that I couldn't fact it is the only book (due to it being forced upon me by the dreaded Mrs Runyon in Advanced English in 12th grade) that I have ever bought Cliffnotes for. That said the movie was much much better....a great movie for it's time....hank fonda is really good and it really depicts the struggles of the Okies during the Great Depression.


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