Tuesday, April 17, 2007

recent viewings

Things I have watched recently

Season 3 Part 1 of Entourage - I will say it again...if you love hollywood/movies and want a funny funny take on the whole process yo umust watch this show. It is very very good. Jeremy Piven is the bomb.

Reign Over Me - More drama then comedy and very much in the same vein as The Upside Of Anger which was also directed by Mike Binder....basically a series/tragic event, in this case Adam Sandlers family is killed in 9/11, and the way a person (Sandler) deals with the issue. There were some very touching/funny moments by Sandler and Don Cheadle...and Sandler's performance in general is very very good.

Against All Odds - old movie I never have seen....and really wasn't worth seeing...ok but not great.

Volver - Penelope Cruz is hot....but movie itself was just ok...not sure she deserved an oscar nom though...although my view is tainted as it was a SUBTITLED MOVIE.

The 7 Year Itch - funny in parts...but very dated....Marlyn Monroe plays the ditz part pretty well...however I was rather surprised about one thing....the movie was made in the 60's and the basic premise is a husbands family goes away and he is left alone for the summer and apparently can't remain faithful for one day.....the whole idea of him cheating on her was very ho hum for that date in time....almost seemed like it was OK/accepted for a hubby to go chasing after skirts.

The Long Riders - Interesting movie from 1980....it's the story of the Jesse James Gang....and for some reason (odd casting) they decided to cast the various brothers in the gang with real life actors who are brothers. So the whole cast is made up of the Caradines, the Keaches, the Guests and the Quaids...not a bad movie but not great.