Monday, October 02, 2006

Recent Movie reviews

Here's my most recent movies I have watched.

Billy Madison - OK really dumb movie, I admit it. Obviously not one of Adam Sandlers better movies....but it had it's really stupid moments where I chuckled. Personally I like the movies where Adam Sandler isn't trying so much to be a moron but actually is trying to act to a decent script (Click, Wedding Singer, Spanglish, Happy Gilmore) as opposed to his popular yet stupid roles (Big Daddy, Little Nicky, Waterboy). This one falls in that later category but again it was slightly amusing at times as were the other stupid movies.

Downfall - 1/2 way through it...and believe it or not I like it and it's got subtitles. It's about Hitler in his final days and is told through his secretary's perspective. If you've never read about Hitler he is quite disturbing and yet oddly fascinating in this one aspect, it is amazing that this obviously mentally ill person was leading his country for years and no one stopped him . This movie shows that side of him. It is apparent to all of his generals that is completely mad and yet they still follow him to the bitter end.

Down in the Valley - Not a very good movie. It starts out with a decent story and then get's really dumb. Edward Norton's character is pretty good but it falls short.

The Lake House - OK sappy chick movie with an ok idea or new spin but it has huge plot flaws....i guess the thought was that you (women) would be captivated by the love story and wouldn't notice that parts of the movie didn't make a whole lot of having Keanu Reeves (woah) as the male lead doesn't add a whole lot of credibility as he's not known for his awesome acting techniques.

Open Season - Pretty funny of the more enjoyable kids movies I have been forced to see. Good to see Martin Lawrence is up to something other then another bad boys movie and freaking out on LA freeways.


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