Thursday, November 02, 2006

Movie update

I saw the following films lately

The Departed - Good movie. Fast paced and kind of choppy (intentionally done) but great performances by all of the actors. There is a comic book goof in the beginning scense though that all comic nerds will spot. I thought it was really good though and I am not a big scorsci fan.

Winter Passing - weird movie that was either straight to dvd or very short theatrical release because I don't remember it. It has Will Ferrell and Ed Harris. Will Ferrell is really funny in it, he plays a serious part but is goofy as hell even still.

The Big White - direct to dvd release with Robin Williams, Woody Harrelson and a bunch of other people. It's about a guy who is bankrupt who tries to cash his missing brothers life insurance policy after finding a dead body (mob hit) in a dumpster. Hysterical scene where after trying to get animals to dismember the body (but with no luck) he packs the body with bacon, lard and other meat.

Slither - watched it on dvd again....and laughed just as hard....really weird, disturbing and funny.


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