Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Rules of Hollywood

After reading about the stupid lawsuit that is happening between New Line and Peter Jackson and their supposed ridiculous search for a replacement director for The Hobbit I have decided enough is enough. Hollywood has been running itself into the ground for years and I have decided to institute a few rules.

1.) No more TV show movies. I know there are some that eagerly awaiting the Knight Rider and A-Team movies but we need to stop feeding these leeches. Hollywood needs to get some long lost integrity and needs to stop movies for the masses....no more stupid is as stupid does.

2.) If the first movie sucked then there can't be a sequel. That's it, it's the law. I do not want to see Honey I Shrank My Grandkids or Hook 2 - Tinkerbells Revenge. Only modest movies will deserve a sequel.

3.) Certain dynasties (LOTR, Spiderman etc) can only continue if the directors and main stars return. I do not want to see anyone besides Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker and only with Sam Raimi directing. Also if any movie that is based on LOTR comes out and doesn't say directed by Peter Jackson someone's head should roll. Let us not forget the ridiculousness of Batman for hire where this week Orlando Bloom is now Batman or the revolving door on James Bonds. It's stupid, if you can't get the people who made the movies good to do them then don't do them.

4.) If a sequel is greenlighted, never...ever...unless you are Peter Jackson....film two of them together....cause there is a chance (Matrix, Back To the Future etc) that you could really screw up the second one....and then we as the general public are forced to have to see a third horrible movie in the "trilogy".

5.) Do not allow George Lucas to direct any movies ever again. No matter what. I do not want to see great actors (Natalie Portman, Liam Neeson and Ewin McGregor) made into robot idiots by horrible dialogue. Enough is enough.

6.) There will be a 20 year ban on remakes. After some discussion and recent events (Poseidon, The Love Bug etc) it has been decided that Hollywood cannot handle remaking "classic" movies and to honor their memory we will not be allowing you to trash them anymore.

7.) Harvey Keital is from her forth commanded to never do another nude scene. EVER.

8.) Horror movies are not allowed to be rated PG-13. Alien Vs Predator, etc should never ever be cheesy enough to not get a R rating. It's as simple as that.

9.) Meryl Streep can never receive another academy award. We know the Oscar people love her and nominate her for gargling in the morning but this is it. She ain't that good and you people are out of control.

10.) From her on forward any movie that my 6 year old son can watch and find plot holes or scientific inconsistancies with will no longer be allowed. The writers and directors of such a movie will be put on probation. There is more to plot and writting then one liners and blowing stuff up. Snakes on a plane was funny because it was meant to be, however there are many movies that weren't supposed to be funny that were because they were stupid. There is nothing worse then a stupid movie.

This is my list and I think it should be law immediately.

Thursday, January 25, 2007


Watched the following recently

Ironman - new cartoon from Marvel. It's like the Avengers cartoon dvds. Pretty decent animation, pretty accurate to the books. Interesting take on the Mandarin, which could prove worthy if they use it for the movie.

Employee of The Month - Pretty awful and that's what I get for renting a movie just to see Jessica Simpons....assets....had a couple of funny moments but pretty much awful. Can't believe they greenlighted a Working Girl remake with her in it. Ah hollywood you truly do suck.

Rome Season 1 - Didn't really get into it until 1/2 way through but it turned out to be a pretty good series....lots of violence....and lots of...well toga moments let's just put it that way. Interesting to see how they finish it out with the second and final season.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Recent movies

Saw the following movies lately:

The Illusionist - Pretty good movie but perhaps I am anti magic....I didn't think this nor Prestige was that great....nor was I fooled by either ending.

Band Of Brothers - excellent series....a really good companion to Saving Private Ryan....and really makes you glad you aren't in combat. The men that are protrayed in this series were/are truly great Americans.

Gridiron Gang - Typical sports movie mixed in with Dangerous Minds kind of theme...bad kids getting a chance and they do well. Some pretty realistic gang scenes though...but pretty much just ok...Rock does a decent job.

Black Dahlia - BORING. Didn't even finish it....dreadfully dull and a waste of a great cast.

All The Kings Men - great cast....a little boring but great acting job by Sean Penn.

Read a book on the history of hollywood and came across some interesting classics that I have never seen....and which are now in my blockbuster online queue.

Purple Rose of Cairo - my last attempt at woody allen
Meet John Doe - a Frank Capra movie I haven't seen with Gary Cooper
Gunfight at the OK Corral - Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas as Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday
The Greatest Show On Earth - Charleton Heston and Jimmy Stewart as carnies
Seven Year Itch - Marlyn Monroe....thought I'd give it a shot
Empire of the Sun - remember it but never saw it
One False Move - early movie with Billy Bob Thorton
Inherit the Wind - Spencer Tracy fights the spread of Darwin's teaching
Grapes of Wraith - Boring book....but Hank Fonda's classic role as Tom Joad

Friday, January 12, 2007


I have to say I am impressed with TV lately. Between regular TV (The Office, My Name is Earl, Lost) and with cable TV (Deadwood, Rescue Me, Weeds, Carnivale, Curb Your Enthusiasm,Entourage, Rome) I have been watching televisions shows more then ever. There is a glut of good stories and great dialogue and actors. Other shows I am going to try to see

Dexter (supposedly really good)
Battlestar Galactica

I think in a way they are over taking movies because I have seen a lot more consistantly good material coming from TV and less and less coming from the BIG SCREEN.


I have to say I am impressed with TV lately. Between regular TV (The Office, My Name is Earl, Lost) and with cable TV (Deadwood, Rescue Me, Weeds, Carnivale, Curb Your Enthusiasm,Entourage, Rome) I have been watching televisions shows more then ever. There is a glut of good stories and great dialogue and actors. Other shows I am going to try to see

Dexter (supposedly really good)
Battlestar Galactica

I think in a way they are over taking movies because I have seen a lot more consistantly good material coming from TV and less and less coming from the BIG SCREEN.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


It was bound to happen....after too much media overload I need to let off some steam....

Here's my list of people I wish I had an all powerful controller/clicker to mute so they would shut up

Rosie O'Donnell - A hypocritical anti-straight person preacher. Man's worst fear happened when she was added to the view...watching that show is totaly man torture.

Oprah Winfrey - She thinks she is the closest thing to God and too many people believe her. She is constantly trying to show everyone how great and generous she is....here's an idea how about being generous and not having the camera's there.

Tom Cruise - Keep the crazy scientology stuff to yourself and stop jumping up and down on couches. I too am shocked that somehow katie holmes married you but that is no reason to go mental.

Donald Trump - No, you're fired.

Axl Rose - Silence until Chinese Democracy is released and it doesn't suck, after that you can beat up tommy hilfiger all you want.

Eddie Van Halen - For ruining one of the greatest rock bands (Van Halen) of all time (twice) I sentence you to now and evermore to play with members partridge family, monkees and donnie osmond.

Britney Spears - Skank white trash who somehow got rich...apparently when white trash people get rich they forget to wear clothes and somehow get pictures of themselves with no underwear on....go figure....somewhere justin timerlake is laughing hysterically

Pamela Anderson/Tommy Lee/Kid Rock - Ok let me solve this for you, she's a slut, both of you are whacked and if I had it my way by law none of you would be able to see each other ever again.

Anyone with the last name of Hilton - Go away. No more reality tv shows for you.

Deathly skinny hollywood starlets - Eat something for God's sakes, no one wants to see your bones sticking out....and come forth if you have a problem before it's too late.

Bill Oreily and Rush Limbaugh and all political TV radio personalities - SHUT UP. I have a mind of my own and I don't need you telling me how to interpet information. What ever happened to the good old days when the news was just reported objectively. We go from that to people picking on Michael J Fox because he has Parkinson's disease...it's a shame.

Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown - Three cheers, they finally are divorcing after years of fights and heroin habits...now just stop showing up in the news.

There you have it I could go on even further but why bother.