Wednesday, December 20, 2006

X-mas movies

Once again it's x-mas time and once again I go through my annual movies that have to be watched for x-mas. The movies are listed below with comments on why they are MUST WATCH.

  1. Die Hard and or Lethal Weapon - classic movies that have x-mas elements in them....which is to say they happen while x-mas is going on in the movie. What's not to like about x-mas and automatic weapons. Classic lines or scenes - Lethal Weapon - Ornament on the tree that reads To Bad Guys Merry X-mas from The Good Guys. Die Hard - 'Don't you have x-mas music....this is x-mas music'.
  2. Scrooged - A must see. One of Bill Murray's better movies. Classic lines 'Back Off that may work with the chicks but not with me' and 'Mr Cross we tried glueing these antlers on the mouse but they ain't working'....his reply 'Have you tried staples?'.
  3. Family Man - This movie get's a bad rap. I think it's one of Nick Cages better movies and yes it's a rip off of it's a wonderful life but who cares. Best scene when he is looking at his poor man wardrobe and says "This is.....subpar" and also the diaper changing scene.
  4. The Ref - Dennis Leary at his best and it still makes me laugh when he looks out the door and see's the man in military clothes and says "Who am I Oswald?". Classic line "Is there a Murry there"...."No one answered" "Ask if there is a low life peice of shit named Murray there"
  5. Serendipity - I know chick flick but a good movie and it's got John Cusak in closed. Great line...."yeah 10 years a go she looked like Baby she could look like...old spice". This movie makes me want to go to New York every time I see it.
  6. You've Got Mail and or Sleepless in Seatle - both take place in all seasons not just x-mas but it's Tom Hanks at his chick flick best. Best lines - Sleepless - "yeah I get the same with the dirty dozen....when lee harvey opens up the tank and drops down the grenade it makes me cry every time" and in Mail - "Go To the Matresses....the Godfather has the answers to all of life's questions".
  7. Love Actually - probably the best chick flick ever done. Great scenes and just an all around good movie. It has too many lines to mention.
  8. The Santa Clause or The Grinch - both are good for the kids and still watcheable for adults. You could also through A Christmas Story in there too but that get's over played soooo much.

Watch these movies and you can't go wrong. Have a good holiday season.


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