Tuesday, August 29, 2006

blah - the title that always works

Haven't had time to watch too many movies. Started watching Season 5 of Curb your enthusiam which is pretty funny and also started watching the 2nd and final season of Carnivale....which is awesome. If you have never seen it it's worth the time.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

I see fuzzy people....cause I am hammered

Is it in the contracts of child actors that a.) they will probably not have a career past the age of 13 or so and b.) they must get addicted to drugs or booze and c.) they must have 1-3 interactions with the law. Just asking because the batting average for them is pretty high. I love the title below.

Haley Joel Sees DUI Charges
By Natalie Finn Thu Aug 17, 7:02 PM ET

Well, so much for sense, the sixth or any other kind.

Despite the sheriff's department's original report that there was no indication of drugs or alcohol being involved when Haley Joel Osment' crashed his car into a pillar July 20, the Los Angeles District Attorney's Office filed three DUI-related charges Thursday against the former Academy Award nominee.

Osment, 18, is facing misdemeanor counts of driving under the influence, driving while having a blood alcohol level higher than the legal limit of .08--the D.A.'s office said Osment's was .16--and possessing marijuana while driving.

According to authorities, Osment was driving to his La Canada-Flintridge-area home in his 1995 Saturn shortly after 1 a.m. on July 20 when he apparently lost control of the car, jumped a curb and hit a brick mailbox post, causing his vehicle to flip over.

Luckily the star of the upcoming film Home of the Giants was safely buckled in. A coherent Osment was pulled from the car and taken to Pasadena's Huntington Memorial Hospital, where he was treated for a broken rib and shoulder lacerations before being released the next day.
To add insult to injury, the A.I. star is also accused of driving with a blood alcohol level of at least .05 while being under 21, a violation of the California Vehicle Code.

Too old to be a child phenom, too young to avoid obscure legal infractions.

Prosecutors have requested that bail be set at $15,000--once the Sixth Sense star is actually booked, that is. Osment has been ordered to turn himself in at a later date. While the actor will not have to appear in court because he has been accused of misdemeanor-caliber crimes, he still faces either probation or six months in county jail.

An arraignment has been scheduled for Sept. 19 in Glendale Superior Court.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Hollywood....why are you sooo lame

OK, read they were making a Get Smart movie and then just read this....

Morgan Creek has hired Jeff Sank and brothers Jason and Justin Heimberg to write a third installment of the hit franchise "Ace Ventura" says The Hollywood Reporter.The two previous "Ventura" comedies -- 1994's "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective" and the following year's "Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls" -- grossed more than $180 million domestically and helped establish Jim Carrey as one of the highest-paid comedy actors in Hollywood.The latest pet project is expected to center on the eccentric detective's son, who steps into his father's shoes to take over the family business.

It is sad they are making this movie and even sadder trying it without Carrey who is smart enough to say NO...just as he did with the Mask sequel...which sucked badly.

Why is Hollywood has no creativity anymore? Why do we get sucky sequels, retarded remakes of good movies and movies for TV shows that no one even liked (sorry Dukes of Hazard fans). Hollywood has lost it's creativity and it has been replaced by a bunch of bean counters and American idol/reality show idiots.

How do all of these movies get greenlights....because no one cares about producing a good product anymore....it's all about how much money it can make. Now you ask well how does that work then because these movies bomb....well they send them over seas and then they bring out the dvds which are somehow bought by the stupid general public.

AHHHHH why....why is this happening?

Monday, August 14, 2006

Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby

Saw the flick over the weekend. Funny movie. Much like Anchorman, it had moments where you thought it was stupid and then moments where you are nearly crying from laughter. Will Farrell has got a knack for just looking like an idiot and you laugh, he doesn't even have to say anything funny, he just looks so stupid that it's funny. My opinion of him though is that his cameo's or lesser roles (wedding crashers and old school) are his better work but this one was pretty good.

Some examples of the idiocy that is Ricky Bobby

[from trailer] Ricky Bobby: Help me, Jesus! Help me, Tom Cruise! Tom Cruise, use your witchcraft to get the fire off me!
[from trailer] Ricky Bobby: I can't control my heart rate, I've got a cougar on me!
[from trailer] Ricky Bobby: Momma, I'm going fast!
Ricky Bobby: Dear Lord Baby Jesus, I want to thank you for this wonderful meal, my two beautiful son's, Walker and Texas Ranger, and my Red-Hot Smokin' Wife, Carley

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Ultimate Avengers 2

Watched Ultimate Avengers 2 last night....a guilty reward for myself on my b-day. Not a bad animated movie....it is fairly faithful to the comics (but I am sure the comic snobs - you know who you are - will find fault in the few differences) and it's realistic (i.e. people actually die). It's well worth the rental fee.


Rehab for various addictions is as common as dental work for hollywood stars and rock musicians. Case in point, in the last week Mel Gibson had a nuclear (possible career ending) meltdown and went to rehab immediately. Now today it is reported that Robin Williams is entering rehab as well. Something about Hollywood and Rock N Roll goes hand in hand with rehab. The surprising part about this is not that A-list Hollywood stars get addicted and go....it's when in their lives they go....both are 50 or above....good God man how can you still keep partying like that at that age?

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Curb is back

Excellent knews....one of the best comedies on TV ever.

HBO Gets More "Enthusiasm"
By Josh Grossberg 20 minutes ago
It's official:

Larry David is back from the dead.

After months of speculation that his HBO comedy Curb Your Enthusiasm had flatlined after a season finale titled "The End" that featured its star spending some not quite quality time with his guardian angel in heaven, the pay-cable network confirmed Wednesday that it had reached a deal with David for another season of the Emmy-winning series.
An HBO spokeswoman says the balding, bespectacled comic will start filming the first of 10 new episodes in October. The new season is aiming for a 2007 run, but no firm airdate has been set.

Dennis Leary

Dennis Leary is horribly underated. I think the Ref is one of the most underated x-mas flicks of all time. That said his work on FX's Rescue Me is pure genius. The show is in it's 3rd season and he is finally getting recognition with an emmy nomination this year. I strongly recommend watching this show as it's one of best on TV.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Lady in the Water

Am I the only one who is thinking that the comparison between M. Night Shyamalan and Steven Speilberg is a bit pre-mature? I thought his last movie, The Village, was just OK and his latest (Lady in the Water), which I saw last night is just about on the same level. There is nothing special about either movie. I am not saying either totally sucked....I am just saying that neither is as good as the 6th Sense and Signs. I think he needs to break away from trying to fool everyone with his movies and just make a straight forward good movie. He is trying to hard to keep everyone guessing and in doing that he is losing his ability to make a believable script. This one had quite a few plot holes in it as well. Don't get me wrong it's not awful.....it's just not great.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Not So Super Ex Girlfriend

Watched My Super Ex Girlfriend over the weekend. Why you ask....not sure in retrospect but I thought (and still do) the premise was hysterical. There were some funny parts....but all and all the movie wasn't very funny at all. Another blah movie for Ivan Reitman.