Thursday, September 28, 2006

rather boring

I have been watching Saturday Night Live Best of's latetly. I watched Will Ferrell, Chris Farley and Phil Hartman. All had classic moments.

Also tried watching A Knights Tale. Didn't get it....didn't make it through the movie. Thought the premise of jousting and current day music was slightly interesting but just couldn't get into the movie.

Gave watching Nip/Tuck a try. I watched 3 episodes. I thought the writing was great, however it was rather disgusting to watch them operate on people.....face lifts are just nasty. I guess I have a weak stomach and horrible bed side manner.

Watched the Proposition as well. It's an austrialian western with Guy Pearce. Kind of dry and boring, great premise for a movie though.

Not much interesting lately at the movies or being released on dvd so I am kind of bored at the moment.

For those music buffs out there, Bob Seger's new album is pretty good from what I have heard and he just announced he is touring....possibly his final tour....I am in as he is one of the few people I have never seen live.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Farrel is king.

OK this is a rash and bold statement so prepare yourself. After long consideration (about 2 minutes of thought) and a re-watching of some old Saturday Night Live episodes I have come to the following conclusion (which tom hanks also stated in jest or maybe not in jest in the 25th anniversary show):

Pound for Pound Will Farrell is the funniest member of Saturday Night Live ever. I know what you are thinking/screaming there were lots of great people on that show

Bill Murray, Chevy Chase, John Belushi, Dan Ackroyd, Phil Hartman, Adam Sandler, Chris Farley, Eddie Murphy, Dana Carvey etc etc.

But pound for pound I think Farrell is the funniest of all. In fact in my opinion only John Belushi, Farley and Eddie Murphy even give him a run for his money. There is something about watching Will Farrell (at least for me) where like Bill Murray he doesn't even have to say anything and you start laughing. Call me crazy but that's just what I think.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

dvd issues

I have two real problems with dvds. First it should state the year the movie was originally released for idiot people such as myself who want to remember when in their lives they originally saw the movie. Secondly I cannot stand dvds that do not allow you to go immediately to the menu or movie and instead force you to watch previews and worse commercials about pirating of movies being illegal etc etc.

I watched 3 episodes of Weeds, a show with Kevin Nealon and Mary Louis-Parker. Pretty good....vulger at times....but pretty good.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Curb is the word

Just finished watching season 5 of Curb your Enthusiasm. The best season yet. Truly the most wickedly funny show on TV (well cable tv). Yes it's not for the tame of heart as the subject matters can be very dark and twistede (is a kamakazzi pilot who is still alive and never crashed a plane still considered a kamakazzi pilot?) and often absurd (one episode shows him getting a sandwich named after himself and then being mad because it's a fish sandwich that no one would eat) but in the end it is very funny. Also very educational as he is jewish and it shows various segments of the jewish faith that I never knew (* side note I am assuming them to be true as I am not jewish). All in all a great series.

Friday, September 01, 2006


Just when you thought tom cruise couldn't get any weirder.

"Tomkitten's" 'first poop' goes on display in New York
Wed Aug 30, 5:24 PM ET
NEW YORK (AFP) - Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes have yet to show their baby daughter off in public, but eager fans were given an unusual preview with the chance to see a bronze cast depicting her first solid stool.
The scatological sculpture -- more doodoo than Dada -- is purportedly cast from 19-week old Suri's first bowel movement and will be shown at the Capla Kesting gallery in Brooklyn, New York, before being auctioned off for charity.
The artist behind the work, Daniel Edwards, previously courted controversy with a life-size nude sculpture of pop star Britney Spears giving birth on a bearskin rug. That work was shown at the same gallery in April.
"A bronzed cast of baby's first poop can be a meaningful memento for the family," gallery director David Kesting said, adding that he hoped the work would attract bids of up to 25 or 30,000 dollars.
The sculpture, which sits on a wooden mounting with a glass casing, is to be sold on eBay next month with proceeds from the sale going to infant health charity March Of Dimes.
As of Wednesday it had attracted a top bid of 41 dollars.
"Mission: Impossible" star Cruise and Holmes announced Suri's birth in April. The entertainment press, which dubbed the pair "TomKat," has shown a seemingly insatiable appetite for news of the pair and their "TomKitten."
A spokeman for the couple was not immediately available Wednesday to comment on the sculpture.