Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Movies I have watched recently

Watched the following lately.

Reds - Ok movie. Highly political about a guy who during WWI tried to start the union movment in the US as well as communism. Made me think for a minute while I was watching it if other then my family there was ever anything I believed that much in to put myself in harms way like he did. He sacraficed a great amount for what he believed in and in most aspects he saw it to the bitter end which was somewhat of a failure. There are many beliefs I feel strongly about but I am not sure I would have the guts to follow through like he did. When the unions first started they were killing people to stop them.....again how much is your life worth. Anyway ok movie, not sure why nicholson won the academy award for supporting actor though as he is barely in it.

Sleepers - one of my favorite movies to watch around this time of year. Great story, great performances. Love the scene at the end with the friends sitting around the table in the bar. Always reminds me friends are friends and they aren't perfect.....and begs the question how far would you go for a friend.


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