Thursday, December 07, 2006

Recent Movies

Watched the following movies recently:

Clerks 2
Very funny movie. Not much on the plot, by then are any of his movies really about much, but has some funny laugh out loud moments. Probably not as good as the first but worth a rental. The following exchange is very funny....if you are a geek like me.

Randal Graves: All right look, there's only one return, okay, and it ain't "of the King," it's "of the Jedi."
Hobbit Lover: Oh, Star Wars geek.
Randal Graves: Oh, i'm the geek? Look at you two whipping out your preciouses (pointing to LOTR necklesses around their necks).
Elias: You'll have to excuse him, he's not "down" with the trilogy.
Randal Graves: Oh, what the f*** happened to this world. There's only one trilogy you f***ing morons.
Hobbit Lover: You know what, maybe we should start calling your friend Padme, 'cause he loves Manakin Skywalker so much, right? [in robot voice]
Hobbit Lover: Danger danger, my name is Anakin. My sh**y acting is ruining saga.
Elias: [chucking] Yeah, you're crazy Jar-Jar.
Randal Graves: Oh, I'm crazy? Those f**kin' hobbit movies were boring as hell. All it was, was a bunch of people walking, three movies of people walking to a fucking volcano. Here's the first movie [starts walking slowly], Here's the second movie [continues walking slowly] and the final movie [stops, pulls imaginary ring and throws it].

Dick Tracy
OK movie I suppose. Definately not one of Warren Beatty's better movies. It reminded me of the Battle of the Network stars that used to be on TV. Pretty much the premise is ridiculous and sucked but you are amazed at how many actors are participating. This one had everyone....except jack nicholson....or maybe he was there and I just didn't notice.

How to make an American Quilt
The queen of all chick flick movies. This beats out Beaches and Steel Magnolias. Great cast but a very unbelievable plot. 8 - 10 different women all with sobs stories and not one redeeming man involved. They were all losers who left their wife's etc. Greatest man bashing movie of all time. The movie is pure evil and torture for the male species.

You Me And Dupree
A cheesy comedy.....harmless enough but not really that good.


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