Thursday, November 30, 2006


Saw some trailers for new upcoming films recently as I was trying to find a couple I could see for my annual holiday movie day with my wife. As per a recent trend this decembers releases are less then impressive but I did see some upcoming releases that looked GREAT.

Spiderman 3 looks phenomenal, once again proving it's the best comic movie franchise of all time bar none. The latest trailer shows a quick snap shot of venom and man does it look like raimi got this one right....totally right. The visuals look awesome. The plot looks great. My only concerns are that there is a lot of plot lines for one movie but that would be ok as long as the movie insn't an hour and 30 minutes (ala x-men 3). There also looks like there is a plot line that involves sandman being one of the people responsible for killing uncle ben (behind the scenes) which could be ok but reminds me a lot of the joker thing they did with batman. All in all though it looks very very promising. Is it possible for the third movie in a trilogy to be the best so far....we shall my knowledge only LOTR has pulled that one off. Oh wait what about Godfather 3 (yeah nuff said).

Hogs looks surprisingly funny. Hey any movie with Tim Allen and John Travolta recently is a bit scary as they have both been making dogs of late. Then you throw in Martin Lawrence and it has tsunomi type diaster written all over. However, I could be wrong, this looks pretty good from what I have seen. It is an obvious City Slickers (one of my favorite comedies) rip off story wise but it looks pretty funny....we shall see I guess.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Movie review and a couple of comments.

Watched Accepted....pretty stupid movie but there are parts that are fairly amusing about how college is a business that destroys creativity.

DC Cab - don't ask my why I watched it....I saw it as a kid and thought why not. Interesting's got Mr. T, Bill Mahr (yes that bill mahr), Adam Baldwin (firefly), Gary Busey and Irene Cara...and was directed by Joel Schumaker right before he did St Elmos Fire and The Lost Boys. Pretty stupid movie but I chuckled a couple of times such as.

Dell: I don't work January the 8th, 'cause it's Elvis' birthday. [imitates Elvis] Dell: Oh hunh-hunh!
Samson: Shut up, Dell!
Dell: Bruce Lee ain't dead you know. They got him frozen in carbonite down under Chatsworth. They're gonna melt him down as soon as the economy gets better.
Samson: Why don't you get off the street and get a decent job? Hooker In Mr. T's Cab: Cause I need the bread! Samson: Then get a job at the bakery.

OK now for the commentary. They are making a Constantine sequel...why? Because of totally and utter stupidity and legal problems they are going to do the Hobbit movie w/o Peter Jackson and it's not because he doesn't want to do it. This will be the stupidest thing ever done mark my words.

They are relaunching the Hulk again....with new actors and new that isn't so dumb (because the movie was hated by many )but why do it at all?

And finally what is the deal with actors and their racial slurs. I mean is everyone bombed. First Mel Gibson and now Kosmo Kramer. In both cases not only are these idiots stupid enough to say the things but also dumb enough to say them where they can be recorded...especially Kosmo because hello he was on stage. IDIOT.

And yes reese and ryan are devorcing (she is finally coming to her sense and coming to me) and britney and k-fed are also ending their stupid marriage. Here's a clue people hollywood relationships don't work out. This explains reese and ryan. Britney here is another clue, stop getting married at all and go to a doctor to figure out how to counter act your hopeless white trash gene.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Movies I have watched recently

Watched the following lately.

Reds - Ok movie. Highly political about a guy who during WWI tried to start the union movment in the US as well as communism. Made me think for a minute while I was watching it if other then my family there was ever anything I believed that much in to put myself in harms way like he did. He sacraficed a great amount for what he believed in and in most aspects he saw it to the bitter end which was somewhat of a failure. There are many beliefs I feel strongly about but I am not sure I would have the guts to follow through like he did. When the unions first started they were killing people to stop them.....again how much is your life worth. Anyway ok movie, not sure why nicholson won the academy award for supporting actor though as he is barely in it.

Sleepers - one of my favorite movies to watch around this time of year. Great story, great performances. Love the scene at the end with the friends sitting around the table in the bar. Always reminds me friends are friends and they aren't perfect.....and begs the question how far would you go for a friend.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Movie update

I saw the following films lately

The Departed - Good movie. Fast paced and kind of choppy (intentionally done) but great performances by all of the actors. There is a comic book goof in the beginning scense though that all comic nerds will spot. I thought it was really good though and I am not a big scorsci fan.

Winter Passing - weird movie that was either straight to dvd or very short theatrical release because I don't remember it. It has Will Ferrell and Ed Harris. Will Ferrell is really funny in it, he plays a serious part but is goofy as hell even still.

The Big White - direct to dvd release with Robin Williams, Woody Harrelson and a bunch of other people. It's about a guy who is bankrupt who tries to cash his missing brothers life insurance policy after finding a dead body (mob hit) in a dumpster. Hysterical scene where after trying to get animals to dismember the body (but with no luck) he packs the body with bacon, lard and other meat.

Slither - watched it on dvd again....and laughed just as hard....really weird, disturbing and funny.